
Showing posts from January, 2018

Letter to the Tired Teacher

It's still January.  I feel you.  This month lasts, according to my very close and personal experts, 17 times as long as every other month.  You're tired.  You're so tired that some days it feels like you're sleep walking.  You're so tired, because despite that exhaustion, you come to work every day and give it your all. Students aren't aware of your ability to teach while sleep walking because you are that dedicated, you are that good.  You're proud of the fact that your kids are thriving and growing (or possibly just surviving at this point).  They don't know that every night your head hits the pillow after grading and planning, with dishes in the sink and laundry piles that are beginning to compete with Mount Everest.  Your place is beginning to look a little like a submission video for the show Hoarders , but it's okay because at 8:00 on the dot, you are in the school, ready for a new and exciting day. It's okay to go to bed at seven.  If